Leah Rose Nutrition

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Nutrition through Christmas and into the new year

Enjoy the festivities guilt-free and in-control with a nutrition plan that incorporates your social and family goals, too. 

Like many others, you might be thinking New Year is the perfect opportunity to step things up a gear with nutrition; In this scenario, January is your focus - and that’s when you’ll think about booking a nutrition consultation.

You decide December is a month where anything goes.  Any work you’ve put into diet and nutrition over the past weeks and months goes out the window as you pile-drive head-first into party season. 

January arrives, and it’s a month of challenge and significant change - which is actually quite difficult to do. You’re out of touch with the old habits that served you well previously, and and it takes a few weeks to get going with your new-year intentions. By the time you get round to booking your nutrition consultation it’s nearly February.

In this scenario, December sees you widen the gap between where you are with diet, nutrition and training, and where you want to be, with a knock-on effect that rolls into January.

There is another scenario, and it’s actually a really popular one…

You decide to book in with a nutritionist in December, with the intention of hold-on to the hard-earned progress you’ve already made and getting some guidance around how to incorporate Christmas food and drink as part of your ‘programme’ or ‘plan’. You enjoy a drink, you have lots of socials and family events in the diary that involve festive food and treats, and you want to know how to programme these in and stop yourself from hitting the ‘f**k-it button’.

Can it be done? Yes it can.

January then sees you hit the ground running, smashing your workouts and starting the year off right - planning and prep work done, nutrition programme in place, and you’re ready for week one.

Nutrition at Christmas shouldn’t be about restriction and avoidance. You absolutely can enjoy the run-up to Christmas and the New Year guilt-free and in control, with purpose, and without the dietary-wheels completely falling off.

But it doesn’t come easy for everyone. If you need help or want to find out more then send me a message using the form below.

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