A Health Focused New Year
The opportunity to re-set and refocus
After the busyness of Christmas I’m always relieved when I get to New Year. I enjoy the chance to refocus on the things that matter to me, and I like the feeling of a fresh start that January brings.
I’m not a fan of winter months, and I often find that by Christmas I’ve lost touch a little bit with my health goals. So this year I’m taking the time to think about my year ahead from a health perspective, and map out how I would like it to look.
Here are the things I’ve included:
Exercise - re-establish a routine of weight training and cardio that fits into my week
Nutrition - make sure I get the nutrients I need
Sleep - important for my mental health and happiness; prioritise when I can
Creativity - find time each week to relax with writing, dog-walking, and piano playing
Social - keep connected with those I’m close to (I’m often guilty of putting work first)
Work - recognise a sense of purpose and value
(Yes, work is in my health goals, because it’s an important part of my identity, not to mention my financial and social health, and, needless to say, it’s something I do almost every week. I need to give it space and recognition, otherwise I either butt up against it or it completely takes over).
I know that when I focus on my health, the benefits ripple through into all other areas of my life - work, play, parenting, and relationships.
I know that a fit and healthy me is a happy and more fulfilled me. When I’m exercising my body and my mind, and I’m eating well, I feel strong both physically and mentally. This gives me a confidence I don’t otherwise feel, and opens me up to opportunity, connection, ideas, and learning. Not something I take for granted, my health is something I want to protect and nurture for as long as I am able to.
So, New Year comes at the right time for me, and is a welcome opportunity for a re-set and a re-start.
How does it feel to you? Are you prioritising your health this New Year?
If you need support with this please reach out and get in touch. I’m a Nutritionist of the evidence-based variety, and I can help.