Coaching Rapid Weight Loss
One big reason in favour of dieting hard? Faster results.
Contrary to popular belief, research shows us that very low calorie diets really can be successful for fat loss, and that the weight does stay off afterwards. Motivated by the quick results and progress, some people find these diets easier to stick to than moderate calorie deficit diets, and report feeling less hungry than they did when they tried dieting on less of a calorie deficit.
When programmed correctly, very low calorie diets can provide the nutrients you need, including protein and fibre, for health and to preserve lean muscle mass. You have to remember that these kinds of diets are for short periods - they aren’t long term strategies.
Coaching is needed when it comes to weight maintenance after any dieting phase, to make sure you can sustain your weight loss and that your long-term dietary habits contain all the nutrients you need. If you go straight back to old habits and behaviours then it’s likely you will regain weight over time, no-matter whether your weight loss was fast or slow.
I can calculate the lowest calorie amount to recommend for the fastest weight loss whilst preserving muscle, and help you understand the foods to eat during that time. We can incorporate refeeds and diet breaks as needed, and make sure you stay on track.
Please contact me to find out more.
Pic is of me attending Martin MacDonald's MNU Aggressive Dieting Seminar.